It was a Merry Christmas!It was a great Christmas...but I didn't get enough pictures. The day after Christmas when Jim's family were visiting, we tried to line up our one year old niece, Abby, with our three and get a good shot of them all! Ha! No way could we get them all still enough at once.
Here the girls look good, but Danny looks like a little terror! He's actually NOT a little terror, by the way.

Here Cassie looks over at me...Ellie looks surprised, and Danny is a blur! (as usual!)

This is a much better shot of him, he's a little monkey!
Bad shot of Ellie and the baby missed her nap and by this time is not tolerant either...

Sit still my little monkeys!!!
(They can't do it!!)

My Dad always wraps his present so beautifully...he uses wrinkled up old horse feed bags wrapped with a leaf or a feather and tied together with haystring...his gifts are wrapped so beautifully I almost hate to open them...except there is usually something even more beautiful inside! And this time, there was! A painting of barns in a wide silver plein air frame. I'll have to take photos of it and other beautiful art I received on my next post. My good friend Laura sent the best large goodness filled package of the holiday to us in the mail. ALL the presents were wrapped in cool retro aqua and pink ornament and Christmas motif wrapping. The absolute best presents in the loot filled box were a hand made scarf out of pieces of an old patch work quilt, kind of. I am NO kind of seamstress myself and so don't even know how to describe items that have been made by sewing. She also sent Danny a hand made sculpture of a faun, (horned man with furry goat legs...) picture Tumnus in Narnia, playing the pan pipes! I will HAVE to get pics of all the art gifts I received for my next post!

I just didn't get many pictures! Too much boisterous activity was going on the whole time! Below is our tree the day after....
or maybe it was this's all a blur to me now! So much fun was had by all and so many people were in and out! It was a fantastic Christmas but I am still glad to slow down some now and take it all in. I'm also already planning for the new year...thinking about how I want it to go and what I want to accomplish. Already getting excited for the return of warmth and longer days...I know its still a few months away but I love shorts and barefeet. I love spring almost as much as fall, and can't wait for it to be here. Yet there are still a couple of months of cold and long dark nights.

On Christmas day father, aka "DoDa" to the kids, is watching Danny open a gift! My family came Christmas day....Jim's family came the day after...and truly wonderful time was had by us all. We had such a fun day today playing with all the toys.

Today I also finished a couple of fun little ornaments..this time for Halloween!
These two are on eBay this week.

I am going to enjoy a fun -filled week at home with the kids! More art to come soon!