I am about to head out for a fun weekend trip to Tennessee with my sister to see our oldest best friends, also sisters! But I'm such an artaholic, I almost can't bare to part with my various projects that are in process for a couple of days! After I get back Sunday I'm home for 4 days then heading out again for a week down to Mississippi! More family down there than I can shake a stick at, and I'll be attending a family reunion too. Black eyed peas and cornbread, oh and shrimp, fresh! Oh,banana pudding, iced tea...sliced tomatos! Lizards and hot pavement...horses and cows... I have some of the best childhood memories of visits down there and its always a thrill to return. Strangest childhood memories...my great grandmother and I chasing armadillos with a clothes basket, I had a white chicken that was my favorite and it rode, literally, perched on the back of my bicycle, and then would lay an egg for me on the painted green carport! Oh! I used to catch those green anole lizards that change colors, like 40 in a day. I'd keep them in an empty cool whip container or mason jar. I made little leashes out of yarn for them. I got in trouble for chasing my Pop's bull through the fence while riding horses...and having to peel shrimp by the cooler load! Hot and humid already I bet! Lots of treasure hunting in weird old salvage and antique stores, photographing, hiking and plundering creeks and swimming spots. Still, I get antsy about leaving my work! Anyone else that way?