Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fun New Videos of My Lanterns Spinning...
These two are both on eBay this week! The first video shows a grey one spinning, he is a medium size, and the second video shows a huge yellow one, seen in the lower post. They both are strung with spinners so that they will spin when given a little push. This really shows off what they are, and their three dimensional form. The second one, it is so funny as my dogs happened to be howling at a siren in the background...or howling at the Moon! The large yellow lantern is one of my biggest in years.


Dusti said...

Holy crap Bran, I love 'em!!! When you turn the lights out and all you can see is their glowing eyes it's wonderfully eerie! The dogs howling is the icing on the cake.

Lisa said...

I played both at the same time,,,and yes I think you freaked the dog out! cleaver to put a different spin on them. LOL.