New! Biggest Moon EVER! With a SPINNER! Here is my all time favorite moon...atleast this year, and he is LARGE, a whopping sixteen inches deep. He comes with a spinner, a little fishing lure accoutriment, attached to his wire bail hanger, so that if you give him a little push, he spins round and round in a wickedly strange and creepy jovial fashion! Just how I like my art! He is two different colors, too, subtle difference, but it is apparent, is a traditonal orange tinted yellow moon color, (one of my favorites) on this side..

Here is the same side lit up with can also use battery operated votives, I am a risk taker, so candles are for me.,

And here is the OTHER side, a more whitish pastel version of the yellow and a sweeter eyes and a few blue dark grey details around the eyes too..

I love the orange eyes on this side...sooo HALLOWEEN!!

I am preparing to go out of town, all the way to New Jersey to visit Dani Nelson, Miss Spooky Time Jingles herself, Yay! We are going to have so much fun working on projects for the upcoming National halloween Convention, and going into the city to MOMA to see the Tim Burton exhibit! She has already been, but is going to get such a kick out of showing this little country girl around. My flight leaves Thursday morning! I had so much more almost ready for sale this week but the weekend caught me with a big batch of dreaded posion ivy. It started spreading, got into my bloodstream and wreaked its havoc. I lay in bed Sunday in a Benadryl induced coma with chills and aches. Monday the doctor put me on steroids, and I can't even sleep! Getting LOTS of work done, however! I have been indulgently IMMUNE to this plant's toxicity all of my life, untill now. I thought it was a sign of my woodsy prowess. Now I have been humbled. It turns out, my mother was the same way. She was finally able to get it by the age of 40 or so, and it gets in her blood the same way. My father is still immune! I am going to have to be MUCH more careful!
I have some video imagery of this moon spinning that I hope to post here soon.
I have a lot to do before my fun trip...
Thanks for stopping by!