Meow! SpookyTime Sneak Peak!
Here are some of my pieces available this month! I put on a few more than normal,.. as next month I will have nothing available online! I will be leaving September 14th to head up to New Hope, Pennsylvania for the second annual SpookyTime Jingles Soiree,..and then leaving one week later to Petaluma, California for the Halloween and Vine show! Back to back fun! I am working hard on many lanterns and lamps. I put a few finished ones on for this month's SpookyTime Jingles update,..they will go on live tonight at Midnight!
Candy Corn Kitty Lamp,..
Green warty Jack,..

Here they are all together,...say "Cheese!!" (they did!)

My favorite is the cat. Lots more cats for the upcoming shows!

Skelly lamps are always fun,..I love wiring their mouths.

What do we have here? Some of my fabulous sister Dusti's (aka The Halloweenstress) jewelry. She did a lot of my photography of the individual pieces with her fancy hand made light box and SLR camera tonight,..and some of her photos were uploaded with mine. I am her biggest fan and wear her necklaces everyday......they are so unique.

Here they are again,,...

My tabletop bases made of collared rings are NOT attached to the moon and parade lanterns, so if you prefer a non gussied up look, can hang them on their own,..without the collars.
Please don't forget to check out ALL the delightful art at tonight at Midnight!!
Thanks for stopping in!!
If you need me I will be sanding.