Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Halloween King!!!

Here he is, all decked out for the best holiday of the year! I loved drawing and cutting out the little spooky owl that is perched on his party hat. I love the bright and festive bold colors and sparkle juxtaposed with a grey and ghostly (creepy...yet jolly!) Moon face! I painted his face also very simple and graphic. He's on eBay till next Thursday night! Now I have got to return my attention to my Spookytime Jingles pieces for our January 13th update!
Here's to an exciting and creative 2010 in store for me!!

Thanks for looking!


Gourdqueen said...

Brandi, he so very festive indeed!

yoborobo said...

He's fabulous, Brandi! And aren't you glad to be back on the Halloween train? I know I am! LOL!! xox Pam

Dusti said...

Oh he makes my heart SWOON with Halloween JOY! I am so glad Christmas is over with and we can get back to Halloween full time! I love the color scheme!!!