October Eve's Moon...
Its October Eve...that's right, the last night of September, and the night before...OCTOBER!
Makes me swoon with anticipation....hearing crows this time of year sends a shiver through my soul. That chilly feeling I get when I step outside either early or late...the way I can start to see through the woods a little more, all yank my heart out of my chest. Its the ultimate month for a person most at home in the woods. Makes me want to throw on my oldest pair of jeans and an old sweater with the sleeves too long and jump on the nearest horse and let his nose lead us wherever he pleases for as long as he pleases or untill we both get too tired. I'll fill my eyes with fresh mown hay bales, hawks soaring overhead, purple morning glories, dry yellow fields and cut soybeans....We'll race cloud shadows accross the ground all the way to the haunted looking rotting down farm house, and I'll peer down the well shaft. Yes, spit. Then we'll hop over an old rusty fence or two, quiet tresspassers by now. Anything for pretty patches of dry and witchy looking moss. Or a feather, skull, litter of bones, some worthy artifact. I'll talk to my horse with my thoughts alone, or my legs, is it the legs? He is a mind reader for sure. I'll need a stick, a spiderweb stick, till we get out of the woods. I will lay down on his back while he grazes. Late afternoon sunbeams will paint psychadelic pictures on the backs of my eyelids.
Later that night, I'll take a long hot bath and afterwards eat rice pudding or pumpkin muffins in a big old flannel shirt. Before bed, I'll step out on the porch and peer into the pines at the moon. The dark chill will wrap itself around my legs as the crickets chirp. I'll run back inside and jump into bed. Dry branches crunch under hooves in my dreams, as I hear an owl hoot at the October moon!
October Eve!!!
Hexeglaawe: Bloody Mary
1 day ago